How to register / complete your store application?


Step 1: Click on the REGISTER NOW button to open the application form.

Step 2: Please fill in all the fields in the online form with the required information. Please note: FIelds with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be completed before form submission. These fields are necessary for both legal requirements and helping set up your online access accurately.

Step 3: On the left hand side of the screen, you will add in your STORE information and on the right hand side you will be adding in your BUSINESS information.

Step 4: Please include 2 creditors for CREDIT REFERENCES. They must be suppliers that you have actually purchased from. Please do not include yourself as a creditor, or your application may not be approved.

Step 5: Please tick all 3 boxes in the DECLARATION section for your application to be accepted.

Step 6: To complete the online form you will need to sign the application. Within the digital signature box provided, hold down your mouse button or finger on the trackpad and sign your name. Try and create a clear signature. Type in your name in the "Typed Signature" field.

Step 7: Register your application. If you have missed out any steps, the missing fields will automatically highlight in red so you can return to the online form above and complete.


If you are having trouble registering then please get in touch with us - orders